
The Past Haunts.

=> this exchange which is written in the prologue between Ian and Ali caught my attention as soon as i read it. the context is that Ali claims knows the location of a piece of the Rosewood Day flag.

Ali: the only way someone is going to get [a piece of the flag] from me is if they kill me first.
Ian: well, if that's what it takes.

since it was reviled in the previous book that it was Ian who murdered Ali, it kinda sent chills down my back cause it in a way foresees the murder. But at the same time it was like ali was asking that reply from ian or else she wouldn’t have said it to begin with since I would assume that at the time she knew ian fairly well. It also just added that much more confusion to her murder since a question that has always been on my mind is “why would ian kill ali if they’re as close as ali makes it seem?” Of course though we know from Unbelievable, that ali was an excellent manipulator and was able to make everyone do everything she wanted so her relationship with ian could have just been another scheme of hers. It’s just nagging though, why would the author feed us this information? This made me sorta rethink the idea of ian being ali’s killer cause for all the other times that information like this was fed, it led to the wrong direction. I like how the author does this though, it keeps the mystery of the books and is what makes them such page turners.

if0nly Reads PLL: Wicked.,
- Mag.

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