
Hits Like A Train.

=> so, it doesn’t seem like we’re giving Spence more credit than she deserves. At least she was able to figure out pretty quickly that she’s adopted or well at least has the right to suspect/assume (even though you make an ass out of u and me when you ass-u-me, which in this case is what might end up happening). I don’t know if her relationship can be even more strained than it is now, but for sure I would think that Spence thinking that she’s adopted and if it’s true, that it would create a bigger rift in the family. Even if she isn’t adopted, it’s a pretty big deal that she was left off Nana’s will and in her mind she’ll be wondering what’s she done to wrong nana so bad that she has no inheritance.

Another option actually came to mind just now. “Spencer tapped her nails against the wood-grain patterns in the [library’s] study room’s big mahogany desk. Someone had etched Angela is a slut into the surface.” Maybe nana’s meaning of ‘natural-born’ isn’t being adopted, maybe her meaning of it was not being born to man and wife. Yes, I know Spence is the younger child. But what if mrs. hastings had an affair that the adults all kept secret? What if mrs. hastings is what angela is. It would all still make sense. The Hastings favours Melissa not being Spence is adopted but because she the illegit child, mrs. Hastings didn’t like the Ali&posse playing a family of adopted children because she had thought of adoption/abortion for Spence. and afterall, this IS rosewood.

if0nly Reads PLL: Wicked.,
- Mag.

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