
So We Begin Again.

=> and now all the drama really starts to go aohbatpojefnvg x_x

Bahhahahahaha Kate’s making Hanna have lunch with Naomi and Riley. Now as we all know lunch = your friends/group/clique. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to have lunch with Naomi and riley. But yet it’s just so funny in a “taste of your own medicine” kind of way. I’m wondering though if Hanna might actually relapse since she’s still very superficial and envying kate’s body.

when Emily hears that Ian’s case might not go to trail, I’m not even sure how I should react anymore. It seems like because I always starting the next book so much after finishing the last, I end up forgetting how many twists and turns Sara writes in and how she’s able to manipulate how we think (ie ali’s murderer, A suspects etc). So as I read that ian might not be tried I honestly don’t know if he’s the murderer or not simply because of how no one suspected Mona as old A or of how ian’s ali’s “murderer”. So really, how can we trust what we’ve read or the between the lines that we’ve been manipulated to read as we try to piece together this puzzle too?

“As for Mrs. Hasting’s other assets...she bequeaths two million dollars to each of her natural-born grandchildren as follows.” WOW TWO MILLION BUCKS? Hole lee mackerel. No wonder why Rosewood’s so preppy and buy-whatever-you-want. If I remember correctly, it’s the first mention of how much money they have. Like just imagine, three times 2mil? That’s 6mil right there on the grandkids alone. But whatever, money does come and go and isn’t even the main point here. It’s what’s said that’s the main point. Okay now I have no clue what bequeath means but given the circumstances I’m guessing that it means inherits. And as soon as I read natural-born grandchildren, I knew something was up. Call me PLL obsessed but I’ve learnt that EVERY single word can change the course of the book. Spence is soooooo not naturally born, and left me debating if she’s in vitro or adopted. Which reminds me of that Friends episode where Chandler accidently told the triplets that Phoebe’s their birth mom and another kid that who didn’t know he was adopted, that he was adopted. Imagine the feeling of pretty much just everything you’ve ever known just shatter into non-existence. Even having a personal friendship shatter took a huge huge toll on me, a family shattering would be like 1000000 times worse.

And again, we reach aria...Xavier = Wolfgang = Ella’s (her mom) date via one of those online dating profile sites = WRONG WRONG WRONG PEDO LOVER WRONG WRONG WRONG SOOOOO WRONG. Nuff said.

if0nly Reads PLL: Wicked.,
- Mag.

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