=> these last five chapters seemed to have gone by so fast when reading it mostly likely because it was so intense. When reading it I actually did fear for spencer and scared to read on just in case, but yet I had to read on and try to finish the story because it was sooooo good and exciting.
My first response to Spence is, “girl, you’re an idiot.” Why on earth would she go into the woods alone especially since the text was from Ian? Fine, so she now thinks that ian might not have killed ali. fact is still that she’s scared like crazy and paranoid even at the sound of a leaf crinkling. What made her think that she’ll be a) safe in the woods at night, b) not be even more terrified than she is now? Personally I doubted whether or not it was ian sending the text, cause if I remember correctly, A’s done this in the past once, pretending to be someone else. And what do we know? obviously she did it again since a stone cold corpse couldn’t have sent it.
As if we didn’t know that something was up with kate before, she so obviously is. But then again we have to keep in mind that sara does try to throw her readers off like that, which I have to admit really works. If kate doesn’t have herpes, maybe she got knocked up and got an abortion… who knows. But anyways I think that maybe I should pay more attention to any clues that may help figure out what kate’s planning to do and to whom. Since hanna thinks that everyone’s out to get her would only naturally think that kate’s planning against her, but that’s not necessarily true…hopefully. The girls have gone through so much that it’s hard to think that they’ll suffer any more than they have already.
Overheard conversation of former Rosewood Day girls:
“When we were dissecting the fetal pig, he stabbed that thing like he was really enjoying it.”
“Yeah, but all the guys got super violent with those pigs…Remember Darren? He pulled out the intestines like they were spaghetti!”
Oh my. Those pigs. They were so fun to dissect. But really, does stabbing and destroying a formaldehyded pig mean anything? If stabbing those pigs labels you as a murderer then my bio class must be all future murderers -_- and well who knows what I would be...a dentist or a (insert the name of the people who accidently cut tracheas then stick the probe up it and out the pig’s mouth)? I guess this is actually just a classic example of how people remember the worse of everyone. People aren’t going to remember the girls for being popular, scholarly, brilliant swimmer, artiste. If all secrets continue to come out, they’re going to remembered as bulimic, cheater, lesbian, pedo lover.
For sure the book ends with yet another cliffhanger. After 5 books, it’s beginning to feel like this is a wild goose chase and that they’re always going to end up back at square one. But the problem is that I’m so addicted to the books that I just have to finish the series as they come out. Anything that’ll help my urge for a PLL dosage is more than welcome, their site, Facebook, wiki, anything. Next time, it’s if0nly Reads PLL: Killer.
if0nly Reads PLL: Wicked.,
- Mag.